Saturday 24 December 2022

Advent 2022 - Day Twenty Four: Christmas Eve!

Wow, what an adventure this Back to the Future Calendar has been!

Henry and Rory are so excited as it is now Christmas Eve and the final day of the Calendar opening.

Twenty Four is just down there...

Henry reaches down to open it

Oooh look, it looks like a little person inside.

It is!

They have found Marty McFly!

Just who was needed for the items Rory got yesterday.

He looks all equipped.

As for these....

The boys worked out they are for the car they already had...thank goodness we had this car as they would have been disappointed to have got the extra parts without the car.  This should be made clear when buying the calendars!

So much play going on

I can see this scene keeping the boys busy all Christmas

They are loving it all.

What a fun time they have all had.

Back to the Future!

They are looking forward to watching the films this Christmas that is for sure.



  1. so glad that Marty showed up! Wouldn't be the same without him. Yes, agree it is odd to get a bunch of tires without a car...and guess we will have to imagine a purpose for the colored sticks!! Merry Christmas!

  2. Lucky boys so much fun

  3. Merry Christmas boys (and you too of course!), I am sure you'll enjoy watching the 3 films, they're fun.


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Happy St George's Day

Revisiting a post from 2012!  However the sentiment is just the same! Henry threw himself into the whole  St George's Day celebration to...